Asatru Ring Frankfurt & Midgard
Living with the
Gods. Living for the Gods. Living through the Gods.
News in Asatru
Hall of Remembrance for Asatru - A place to remembe loved ones
The shrines of the Gods are an invitation of the Gods to us! Light a candle and leave a few words. Over 14 days the candle will burn down and be replaced with a symbol of the Gods.
Community of the Gods
- We are your children, you give us confidence
Thor´s Shrine - The friend of menkind invites us to the shrine.
Frigga's Shrine of the Gods
- Come before the mother, come home to the Goddess
Odin´s Shrine - He welcomes us to endulge into in his mysteries
Freya´s Shrine - Lovely Goddess allow us to drink from the cup of passion
Heimdall´s Shrine -
His horn calls us to his shrine.
Frey´s Shrine - is coming soon- You let grow, sprout and prosper, let us grow in our life
Questions about Thor - Which way does Thor go?
Bond of the Gods - The Bond of the Gods lies smoothly in the hand - A palpable link between the Gods and us.
Courage to live with the Gods - Whatever comes Thor is on our side. I live with the Gods, they give me strength.
Life Force of the Gods
Questions about Odin
Ostaracalendar from the 13th to the 21 one can open a new window every day with symbols of the Gods and other surprises
Ostara. Goddess, Gods's Feast, New Beginning
Ostara's Rabbit Symbol of the Gods
Cut Furrow - Ostara ritual
Freya's Rose - Symbol of the Gods
Ostara Blessing - Asatru Prayer
Ostara Awakes - Asatru Prayer
We color Ostara's Eggs not only for kids
What shall we paint on Ostara's Eggs? not only for kids
Frey's Boar Gullinborsti and Freyas Swine Hildisvini - Symbols of the Gods
Frigga's Bee - Symbol of the Gods
Frigga's Spring Cleaning Prayer
Frigga's Bees Prayer
Freya's Wings
Freya's Rose
Eira's healing Carmomille
Frey's Boar Prayer
Preamble of Enlightened Asatru
The Gods' Blessing for our Home *New*
Ostara 2010 - An Egg Wandered through Frankfurt *New* The feast with the Gods Ostara and how we celebrated it. Share the experience of a living community.
We would like to share what we made - from Asatru for Asatru Edition Aufgeklärtes Asatru Webshop Edition Enlightenend Asatru Webshop. When you like to order our album Ruf der Götter (The Call of the Gods) or our pictures of the Gods, keyring of the Gods, matchboxes of the Gods and more. Take a look and tell us if you liked it and what else you would like to see.
Our CD der Ruf der Götter (The
Call of the Gods)*New* is out.
You can listen to the preview on here.
More in the Asatru-Songbook
*New*Songs for ritual, blot, feasts, campfire and children.
I am
Hel the Dark One & MP3
*New* Soon to come on our German
Asatru-CD with 15 songs
Masks & MP3 *New* A wind-blown cloak with hat drawn down;
nears gauntly, passes, and is gone;
My Fulltrui is Frey the Bold
& MP3
*New* My fulltrui is Frey the bold,the Lord of land and fields.
Prayer,Meditative Text, Poetry
Catch Freya
* Odin's Daughter
You are searching as Odin.
*New*Easy receipes for moots & rituals.
Freyas Temptation
one taste and your are lost
The Asatru-Songbook MP3
*New* Songs for ritual, blot, feasts, campfire and
children. *
Riddle Song Which Gods is she singing about?
Over Midgard So Wide
The Rainbow Bridge &MP3
Hail the Blest Gods &
MP3 Hymn
of my Life &
MP3 Song
Od - Freyas
Search &MP3
Living with the Gods.
Living for the Gods. Living through the Gods.
The motto of the AsatruRingFRankfurt & Midgard and what it
really means!
Prayer,Meditative Text, Poetry
Freya *New*
Lady Freya, free and fair
Prayer,Meditative Text, Poetry
For all
Freya`s Cup of Passion
the Mother
Fylgia Companion on
Moonlight Fylgia
Odin Crosser of
* The
Call of the Gods
Thor the
Touched by the Gods
March 2008
Asatru and Women Is Asatru
the last Bastion of Machismo? *New*
Corner of the Gods, Altar in
Asatru. A Place to Meet the Nordic, Germanic Gods
January 2008
Good overhaul of the site, fixed the navigation structure & hyperlink
The Edda Speaks project
will start as soon I have recovered from my cold. The Edda spoken
as MP3 for all to listen to.
Asatru Speaks will come soon
The Poetic Edda Online *New*
in the translation of Bellows
The Asatru Hall of
Remembrance is now online *New*
A place to remember for the loved Ones who have passed away.
Your contributions are welcome. If you need any assistance in finding
the proper words we will help you.
Prayer,Meditative Text, Poetry
* Odin´s Gift
War Prayer
A Soldier´s Prayer
(short version)
* A Soldier´s Prayer
(long version)
* Going Down
* Time to Go
* Silence
Guardians of Fate
* On Being a Warrior
* Ask and Embla
Driven by Odin
Sea and Mountain
Show Face
* The Counsellor
* Disir
* Now it is Time
Finally, I have more time for the website. Several articles will be
uploaded in the coming days,
first in German, with subsequent translations to English.
Two new persons have visited our monthly pubmoot.
2006 has been a truly international year
for us. The ARF has been guest of several European Asatru communities.
We attended the Ninth Anniversary meeting of both Bifrost in Denmark,
and Het Rad in the Netherlands.
We also were able to meet in person members
of the Troth (USA), the Asatruarfelagidh (Iceland), and Bifrost
...and now we go online!