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Asatru in English!

This will become  the portugeese part of our Website.
Hello! Welcome to the Asatru Ring Frankfurt & Midgard. Here are Michael, Michaela and the others.
We are a group of like minded people who have come together to live our belief in the Nordic Germanic gods.
Frankfurt is the founding place of our group, and lies in the centre of Europe in the midst of Germany.
On our site you find information about the Gods, the Northern Germanic mythology and our religion Asatru here and now.
You will find articles, prayers, poetry, meditative texts, tips for everyday life and more.
Your comments and questions are very welcome. Get in touch and participate!
We are continously expanding. Please keep in mind we are translating everything from German to English, so this part of the site will grow slower. 
Last update 04/November/2008 - See News.

Asatru-Artigo, e.g. Prayers, Meditations, Poems, e.g.

Preambulo Esclarecido Asatru

O que é Asatru? Perguntas freqüentes.

Lady Freya   Lady Freya, free and fair

Living with the Gods. Living for the Gods. Living through the Gods.

 Frigga the Mother´

The motto of the AsatruRingFrankfurt & Midgard and what it really means

Fylgia Companion on Midgard

Asatru and Women: Is Asatru the last Bastion of Machismo?

 Odin Crosser of Boundaries

Corner of the Gods: Altars in Asatru

 The Call of the Gods

What is Asatru?
A short introduction to our faith.

Who are we?
About our community, what we do and why we do it.

Hall of Remembrance
Life means saying goodbye to people we love. This is a place to remember them.

Questions? Troubles? Answers by and for Asatru
Call 0176/51422844 or mail us.

The Poetic Edda (Elder Edda)
The Bellows translation.

Prosa-Edda  (Younger Edda, Snorra Edda)
The Bellows translation. Upcoming

The Edda Speaks  
Listen to the Edda as MP3! Upcoming.

Asatru Speaks  
Poems, Meditations and Articles spoken as MP3. Upcoming.

The Asatru Cookbook 
Easy receipes for moots & rituals.

Heathen Songbook Online MP3
Songs for ritual, blot, feasts, campfire and children.

Banner and Links to us
We´d be happy if you´d give us a link :-)!

Interested? These are the ways you can help!

Questions? Commentaries? Mail us!

Links to Asatru
Asatru in Germany and internationally, organizations, interesting sites

More websites by us:

Asatru-Stammtisch Frankfurt
Monthly, independent heathen pubmoot. Interested? Come visit!

Odin´s Gift
Over 1400 English Asatru  poems, songs and MP3.
Submissions welcome!

Loki´s Laughter - Asatru Humor
Heathen Jokes, funny anecdotes, witticism and curiosities.

Over 500 German Asatru poems, songs and MP3.
Submissions welcome!


What is Asatru?

Asatru is the belief in the Aesir and Vanir, the Nordic-Germanic Gods. This belief was part of the religion of the Germanic tribes but today it is an culturally independent religion. The Germans or Germanic people were a group of humans that had in common a certain tongue and their beliefs were different over distance and time and they changed. They had all in common the bound with the gods.

The bond with the Nordic-Germanic Gods

This bond keeps us together even today. Asatru is a modern religion with old roots. It is not about imitating what “once might have been”. Asatru is about living with the gods today, here and now, even though we do keep in mind what once was, and let the inspiration flow through the sources like the Edda.

Asatru is a religion

A religion lives from the change and reflects the necessities of the present believers. Tradition means to keep the good and meaningful, and to let go what has lost its meaning.

Equality of all mankind

We belief in the equality of all mankind. We strongly object any kind of misuse of Asatru by any extremist group or individuals. Any form of ostracism, right wing or radical mindsets has nothing in common with us.  In the old times anyone who heard the call of the gods could follow them, and this is still true today.

Asatru for Human Rights - Enlightened Asatru - Asatru Ring Frankfurt und Midgard

© Michael Schütz -  Asatru Ring Frankfurt & Midgard - www.asatruringfrankfurt.de